Terry is absolutely right. In the 1950s and 60s when I was very active, I remember hearing those terms and examples in almost every KH talk or Watchtower study. We had one brother who was really caught up in that crap. He claimed to have been a Bible scholar before he became a JW and never failed to mention that he had a degree from some college. (I learned later that he got his AA degree from San Bernardino City College, but never found out what his major actually was). Not exactly what I consider an expert by any means.
He was really into types and anti-types and loved to refer to both "God and Magog." (I think this was mostyl due to a science fiction movie popular at the time that had two quirky and unpleasant robots who turned on their human masters - one being named Gog and the other Magog. Until recently I doubt if JWs really paid much attention to those names/character/characters.
However, Gog was supposed to be a person or a tribe. Magog was a tribe or land area, not a person. Anyway, this brother would always insert these entities into his public talks and then go all Garner Ted Armstrong on us. His opinion, which was quite prevalent at the time, was that Gog was the type for the King of the North. The anti-type was Russia + communist China. He would at times suggest that China and Russia would exchange the title at some point in the future depending on who became more powerful. Remember that thanks to Korea and Viet Nam wars, China was cast into the role of the USA / UK's main enemy and therefore was considered by some as the real King of the North. I always thought it was interesting that the USA and UK were cast as the King(s) of the South when their latitudes were the same as most of Russia and China. Most considered our support of Israel as putting us in that region and therefore "south" for prophetic purposes.
It will be interesting to see how the GB eases out of their use of types/anti-types and covers up their past history of King of the North failed prophecy.
One brother who finally got tired of all the type / anti-type BS told me that maybe we should just look at all those people and places mentioned in the Bible for what they were - just as we would the Kings of England or historic characters from the Middle Ages.